Welcome to Oasis
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Here at Oasis, our hope is simple: to see people come to know and follow Jesus.
Prayer Requests
Ask for Prayers or Take a Few Minutes to Pray for Others in Need.
Connecting over Gathering
At Oasis we believe our relationships need to go deeper than just gathering on Sundays. We want to invest in one another. We want to open our lives and homes to one another. We want to be vulnerable with one another. We want to be family.
Simple over Complex
At Oasis we believe everything we do should be done in such a way that it is reproducible in the next person, the next community, and the next town. What we are and what we believe is not supposed to stop with us.
Participation over Spectating
At Oasis we believe real spiritual growth involves more than just gathering more knowledge. Real spiritual growth happens when we personally engage the scriptures and obediently apply what we learn.
Sending over Keeping
At Oasis we believe every believer is a missionary the circles of influence (oikos) God has placed them in. We were never meant to hide and huddle. We are called to live sent. We are called to take Jesus Christ to the world.