real = genuine; not an imitation or artificial
Come just as you are. No masks. No pretending. No hiding. Come to Christ broken and expect to find healing. Come to Christ searching and expect to find truth. Come to Christ as you are and expect to find who you were created to be. Just come.
simple = uncomplicated in form, nature, or design
Jesus calls us to do two things as His people and as His church: love God and love people. It's not easy. But it sure isn't as complicated as we've made it out to be.
life = the capacity for growth, reproduction, activity, and change; vitality, vigor, and energy
There is life, true life in Christ. In Christ we are meant to grow, change, and share. But that kind of life wasn't meant to be lived out alone or only on Sundays. Our life in Christ is meant be be a lifestyle lived out every single day in every possible way.